What if I am unable to login with the alloted Password and a user Id?
In such a case, if you are logging in for the first time, please ensure that you are activated/enabled by the Bank for mobile banking services. While logging in for the first time, if you are not activated/enabled, an error message will be displayed as ‘Invalid Login or Password’. This message is also displayed when your user id is disabled.
For activation, you may have to approach the branch. SMS will be sent on your registered mobile for activation/enabling for the first time.
Note: Necessary care needs to be observed while logging in.
- Do not try to log in for more than 3 times (this will block your password and you will have to approach the bank).
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What should I do, if I have to stop using services for some time?
Please ensure you logout in proper way. However, if you abruptly close your mobile banking Application, your session will end. Please do not leave your phone unattended, when you have open the application, since this may give an opportunity to others around you to operate your accounts
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What are the Security features for usage of Mobile Banking?
Transactional based Mobile Banking offered is fully Encrypted. This is the highest level of security presently available. Bank has taken adequate measures regarding security in respect to communication and transactions on the mobile phone including conducting regular Audits.
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We are holding joint account. How we will access Mobile Banking?
- You can access Mobile Banking despite having joint account, provided operating instructions given are…
- Either or Survivor.
- Any one or Survivor.
- For each customer, one individual user id will be given by the bank, after applying for the same, he can access the account and carry out operations, as desired.
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- You can access Mobile Banking despite having joint account, provided operating instructions given are…
What are the charges for usage of these services?
The charges for these services are shown below:
Srvc. Chrg. Type
Walkin Customer Charges
Bank’s Srvc. Chrg.
(Inclusive of Charges by Service Provider)Excise Duty
(20% of Srvc. Chrg Amt)Total
Srvc Chrg.1
Annual Fee
Query Services
Balance Enquiry
Fund Transfer
Internal Transfer
Utilities Payment
Utilities Payment
Merchant Payment
Airtime Top-up
(KES 22.00 for B2C)NA
Other Service Request
Regeneration of PIN at Branch
Mobile Number Change
Transaction Limits(in KSH) – BarodaMoney
Service Type
No. Of Txn
AmountMax Amount
Per Txn
Linked A/c
No Limit
No Limit
Airtime Top-up
No Limit
Utility Payment
No Limit
Mobile Money
No Limit
Further, if you forget the password or your password is blocked (for wrong usage for more than 3 times), your password will be enabled, free of cost.
There are NO HIDDEN CHARGES for usage of these facilities.
(However, please note that the Bank reserves rights to start charging any of these services)
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Are there some important Security Tips?
- Always download the official Baroda app from the playstore. Don’t install from untrusted sources
- Ensure your Mobile phone is equipped with latest antivirus packages and the same is upgraded from time to time.
- Install updates for your mobile phone’s operating system.
- Change the PIN immediately, if you feel someone else knows the same.
- Make it a habit to change the login and transaction PIN at a regular intervals.
Leave your phone unattended while you have logged in.
- Write these PINs anywhere.
- Reveal your PIN to anyone including the bank staff since the bank does not require this information. (Even if you receive a mail asking for the PIN and posing as if it has come from higher offices, neglect it, since it can be a fraudulent email).
- Use ID numbers of your spouse, children etc. as a PIN, since they are very easy to crack. Further, avoid using important dates (wedding anniversary, birthdays of you/ spouse/
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How Safe is Mobile Banking ?
These services are quite safe with encryption. This is the highest level of security layer presently available. This will ensure that the password and other sensitive information, while traveling on Internet will be in encrypted form and thus not available to the hackers.
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Is it necessary to own a Mobile Phone or can we access BarodaMobi from any computer?
“BarodaMobi” is a mobile based application and can only be accessed from a mobile phone having internet facility. However, you are advised to be extra cautious while accessing the services from cyber café.
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What do I do if I want to use Baroda paybill to collect money from my clients using Mpesa?
please note for corporate clients we encourage one to open a buy goods account with Safaricom then map this account to your Bank of Baroda account this will make reconciliations easier since you can download your buy goods account statement using the Safaricom Mpesa portal. You can also get alerts instantly using a mobile phone dedicated to your business. Later You can choose to send money from Safaricom to your Bank of Baroda account once a day or Instantly if preferred. For details on how to open a Buy Goods account send an email requesting the same to m-pesabusiness@safaricom.co.ke
In Order to become a mobile banking user for Baroda Mobi, the following points have to be considered
- User should maintain account with BoB branch in the territory.
- In case of joint account, then operating instructions should be ‘Either or Survivor’, ‘Any one or Survivor’.
In addition, following types of persons will not be eligible for Mobile Banking
- Blind
- Illiterate
Dormant accounts holder
- Inoperative accounts holder
- Minor
- Holder in accounts where garnishee /attachment order is received.
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How should I log in?
You will receive your user id and password in via an SMS from the bank. You will be forced by the system to change the same, when you log in for the first time. All queries to be made to barodamobi.kenya@bankofbaroda.com . We request you refer the guidelines on password security outlined within the user guide.
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How can I apply for Baroda Mobi?
The application form for BarodaMobi is available on Bank’s website and as well as the branches. Please submit your application at the branch where your account is maintained.
The branch Relationship Manager (RLM) upon verifying the relevant details will arrange for User Id and Password for the Mobile banking facility to be sent directly to your registered mobile number. Acknowledgment from you will be required once you have received the application.
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What happens when I re-install the application?
You have to contact your branch to send you a recreate key.
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What should I have to use the services?
You just should have a mobile phone with Android Version 5.0 or higher, Access to the Internet.
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What is the procedure for obtaining new PIN if the existing password is blocked or forgotten?
If your PIN is blocked (i.e. you keyed in wrongly for 3 times and it got locked) please submit the form to the branch for resetting the PIN. Your PIN will be enabled and you will be able to access BarodaMobi, using the same password.
If you have forgotten your PIN, please submit the same form to the branch. Bank will generate new PIN, send you the same Via SMS the way in which you got your first PIN and you will be forced to change the PIN on your log in.
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What is Mobile Banking?
- Mobile Banking is defined as banking facilities offered to the customers, using the Mobile phone. Using this facility, you will be able to access the services, from your office/house using your own Mobile phone. With this facility, the customer will be able to carry out following major activitie.
- View balances in his all linked accounts.
- View Mini statement
- View statement of accounts
- Query on txn date, amount, debit/credit, cheque no. Etc
- View the non-financial activities made
- Change Pin and transaction Password
- Transfer funds in self/linked accounts
- Transfer funds through Third Party Transfers
- Bills module (utility bills)
- Modeling for Deposit and Loans (Maturity calculator and EMI calculator)
- Standing Instructions
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How do I choose the password, while changing the same?
While finalizing your password, please note that…
- It must be minimum 4 digits
- It Must be new and has not been used before.
It should not contain all the numbers used in your user id.
- For your safety, your Pin will be blocked, if attempt to log in fails for 3 times. (If your pin is blocked (i.e. you cannot log in using the same password, a new one has to be sent).
- If you have forgotten your user PIN, please submit forgot PIN form (available at the home page of the Bank website) to the branch. Bank will generate new pin, and send you the same in registered (the way in which you got your first password) and you will be forced to change the password on your first log in.
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